Misdirection & Outrage. Beating the Shit Out of Kindergarteners
Burning an Idea: Part Two
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Travel with me if you will, to a place that annoying kindergartners can get beaten up by grown-ass adults. What a much peaceful world would it be if we could squash the riots and insurrections of these little bastards with a literal iron fist. No more mostly peaceful protests about nap time, sugar consumption, or whiny petitions due to their lack of ability to write their name legibly. Their classrooms would be of the utmost order and in the highest regards with staff, faculty, and parents because after all, we are taming the wild nature of these nursery sized human beings with slaps, kicks, and regularly scheduled beatings.
Sound ridiculous?
As well as it should. Just like no composed, skilled fighter is looking for a brawl wherever they go, no sane adult walks into a kindergarten classroom tallying off the number of heads they could get rolling on the ground. It sounds obsoletely absurd, but the self-confidence of our current American culture and society and the weakness it sustains is so fraught with insecurities that basic dialogues cannot even be had about the most basic of principles.
Take Don Lemon for example.
“The people who aided and abetted Trump are stupid because they believed his big lie. The people who are not getting vaccines, who are believing the lies on the internet instead of science, it's time to start shaming them or leave them behind because they are keeping the majority of Americans behind."
—Lemon said on CNN's Cuomo Prime Time September 16, 2021
That’s the adult thing to do—shame them, just like an emotional child would...
If you watch more of the clip, Lemon Head himself not only goes on to compare Covid-19 to Polio and Measles by conflating the fact that people will take those vaccines over this very experimental one—one that has bypassed years of proven safety measures that his “science” put in place—both he and Cuomo equate the intelligence of those hesitant to the vaccine to Neanderthals by making fun of their willingness to trust a “horse dewormer” over their “science.”
To avoid the risk of running down a rabbit hole that has been filled and debunked time and time again*, in the words of Joe Rogan himself:
They’re making shit up!
The same science that Dr. Fauci put out, retracted, revised, put out again, and then lied about is the same “science” Lemon Brain is quoting and hinging from. Another fun fact is that these people who aren’t taking the vaccine and are a “harm to the greater good” are the same people from his racial demographic. Yes, Black and Hispanic people are less likely than their White counterparts to take the vaccine, and maybe—just maybe it’s because they have a healthy distrust to government and tyrannical authority, as should we all.
But some final food for thought before we move on.
All the language pundits like Lemon, Cuomo, Reid, and the likes stem from one thing and one thing only—their ideas suck and they know it! Fear porn and outrage is the only way they can convince anyone of their ideological position. Yes, right leaning media have their own versions of fear mongering. They often have a lot more Spocks than Kirks, relying too much on logic rather than balancing out their rhetorical appeals, however, they’re not the ones leading the culture war that race bating, Social Justice warriors are.
*For a more in depth look at this and other safe, clinically proven drugs, listen to The Dark Horse Podcast and their appearance on JRE.
Stages of a Riot
From the fiery “mostly peaceful protests” and the absolute asinine nature of that concept, no one is more qualified to analyze and dissect this type of chaos than those who have been on the ground in the middle of multiple riotous events that created the “Summer of Love” in 2020*. Elijah Schaffer is one of those people and he breaks down the stages of riots as such:
Stage One: This is what is termed as “The Gathering Point”. With a diverse group of people assembling (often including those who are mentally ill and angry individuals with low intelligence) it’s here where the bulk of media’s focus is centered as this stage often looks good from a marketing stance.
Stage Two: Organization begins to occur in the forms of chants and marches. Coordination amongst the diversity grows. After mainstream media sources get their shots and talking points from this stage, Elijah states that it’s at this point the big news sources begin packing up and leaving, taking their story to press.
Stage Three: The first time a law is broken is what transitions a protest from stage two to stage three. This is where the “fun” begins. Anything from a brick being thrown to unlawful assembly like staying past curfew is what constitutes a peaceful protest moving to riot status.
Stage Four: Groupthink and mob mentality begins ensuing. People begin to feel the empowerment and validation of laws being broken and as a result more and more illicit activity are carried out.
Stage Five: This is the actual riot. Chaos spreads like figurative wildfire while literal burnings take place in the street as full-fledged violence and vandalism becomes the standard for the event, and if police can’t stop anything at stage four, a city or area is lost.
War is an overt, violent, and visceral expression of ideas and ideologies. Riots are that same thing, but on an emotional level, and like any emotion, these events can and have been manipulated to further agendas and narratives. From the Capital Hill riot on January 6, 2021 to the mostly peaceful protests of Antifa, there is an idea that people feel like isn’t being heard and savvy leaders hijack them, using these events as a Trojan Horse for something much more sinister.
*Some more nighttime reading materials:
Unmasking Radicals
“If it isn’t clear yet, violence is a feature, not a bug, of antifa’s ideology. In fact, they venerate violence. Since 2015, untold numbers of victims, including other journalists, have been doxed, beaten, robbed, or killed by antifa militants. Few of them receive media attention—or justice.”
If Antifa truly is an idea as our senile president claimed it to be, then my thesis that we are in fact burning and cancelling ideas in order to prevent them from being expressed, dissected, and discussed is only supported. Does the flourishing of ideas force stores to close over the release of a book? Does a radical ideology prevent peer pressure and self-cancelling? Do free thinking individuals and organizations silence voices to the public? In the case of Antifa, all of these have happened and more.*
Click the links! Read for yourself.
This is an extremely innovative group that sees themselves as above the law and has hijacked emotional narratives to serve more nefarious purposes. That is anarchy at best, tyrannical and fascist at worst. If their creed makes the law unapplicable to them, physical violence is only a superficial, misdirecting tactic. Who says they won’t or don’t already infringe on copyright laws, creating fake books of Andy Ngo’s and propaganda to ensure people aren’t informed of the truth about them? Who says they aren’t committing corporate espionage, laundering funds through 501(c)(3) nonprofits, or creating their own militarized zones?
Yes, some members are nothing more than angry children being used as useful idiots (like Lemon Head), whining and complaining without any solution to offer (and leaving Americans behind is not on the table**). However, the leadership is organized and has a subjective, Utopian vision they want to impose on America.
*Read Unmasked by Andy Ngo
**Although I say this, apparently the American ethos is not only being ignored, but bureaucrats are trying to justify those times when we break our loyalty to our own people (even if they are dual citizens).
This is both disturbing and absolutely hilarious to think that there are people out there who lack the self-awareness to know whether or not they are simply following the crowd and ignoring the practice of free thinking.
Whenever I’m feeling down about life, unsure about if I can actually think for myself and have the occasional original idea, I turn to the brilliant, wise man: Ethan Klein.*
“Yeah, I mean there’s a whole—there’s a whole... the CDC is like this whole governmental body with scientists and shit that just tell us what to do. You don’t even have to think about it, dude.”
At least he’s honest about the fact that he doesn’t indulge in too many thought provoking exercises.
Such a joke...
The sad part is, how many people think this way? How many people feel like they don’t have the time to mull over what they hear or read, taking it just one layer deeper? That’s an unsettling thought in my mind because Klein’s podcast has 3.04 million subscribers** as I write this. You want to talk about echo chambers and groupthink, let’s talk about the fact that people have to be warned that an idea might “trigger” them. Let’s talk about the social dilemma that surrounds us all on the device you’re probably reading this from, and the real-life inception we encounter on a daily basis.
We have ideas forced on us all the time (hell, I’m proposing them on this site!), and if we’re not willing to reasonably challenge anything that we’re told, maybe natural selection should have removed us from the gene pool a long time ago. Like groupthink is used to move a mob forward in a riot, it also has the side effect of undermining agency and removing individual thought from the equation.
*If you ever have the same doubt and sentiments, click here so you too can feel better about yourself.
**I’m not going to link to it. He gets enough backlinks as it is. If you truly want to check for yourself, search his podcast on YouTube and see for yourself how dumb people really are.
Going Back To Kindergarten
How old are we emotionally as a society? Extremists feed off the insecurities and vulnerabilities we all have, using fear and emotion as their key talking points. They manipulate us as if we were children and become insider threats, using weakness to extract their agenda and visions for the future. In other words, they beat the shit out of kindergartners.
Why don’t you walk in a classroom and beat up a bunch of toddlers?
Because you don’t feel threatened!
That sentiment pushes people to find security in groups and in higher powers that they feel has all the answers. The more powerful the feeling of fear, the more radical the group to take you in.
One of the smartest decisions I made was detaching myself personal life from social media. This might sound crazy—even conspiratorial, but the second I learned that “algorithms are opinions written in code” and how they subtly influence the way we think, the reward was no longer there to risk being online in that fashion any longer.
Ideas are meant to be shared.
Shadow banning, cancelling, or threatening violence to silence an idea is an American Marxist, dystopian behavior that this society and culture indulges far too much in.