Freedom of Religion
The Basic Fact that Even Useful Idiots and Political Prostitutes Have a God
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“There can be nothing more abominable than religion.”
Pledging Allegiance to Ocean and Queers
In 2016, Santa Monica College professor of philosophy, Amber Katherine partnered with pornographic actress Annie Sprinkle, leading students in an “Ecosextravaganza” in which participants “married the ocean”, as in a holy union between student and salt water. This “matrimony between the sea and us all” was a part of an overall “eco-boot camp” to encourage an “ecocentric passion and even lust” for the planet—not viewing Earth as a mother, but rather a lover, and like in any standard marriage in which spouses abide the laws of sexual attraction, students were given the opportunity to consummate their new relationship through submerging their body parts in the water.
And for some, I’m not entirely certain it stopped with just submersion.
In more other news, a California English teacher has been put on administrative leave for not only passively discouraging students from saying the Pledge of Allegiance, but suggested that they could show devotion to the Pride Flag she proudly still hung in her classroom. Her activism has shown to be quite lucrative as she’s also personally come out to say* that she gives her “allegiance to the queers.”
Sure, I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.
Although the American Flag made her “uncomfortable”, she did say to her students to “stand if you feel like it, don’t stand if you feel like it, say the words if you want, you don’t have to say the words” when it came to the Pledge of Allegiance. However, her impartial stance is moot with her overt woke activism that more and more teachers feel they need to participate in. Believe me, teachers love control—that’s one reason they got into teaching to begin with, so don’t berate me for saying otherwise. It’s quite the phenomenon that this small amount of power and responsibility they’re given turns into a pulpit to preach from. Not only is there nothing amusing or brave about taking a popular woke stance, openly shitting on the country that gave them the opportunity to be ungrateful assholes to begin with, it’s ugly and unprofessional.
*I will not be surprised if this becomes a 404 link at some point in the future.
Fear Porn
As a general consensus, I think it’s fair to say that a major concern towards Christianity and religion in general is that pastors and religious leaders use fear to motivate their congregations. This claim may be completely surface level. We could even talk about the aversion to fear based motivation and the naivety a lot of those arguments sustain, but avoiding the risk of a spiraling tangent, let’s just assume for a moment that the premise of fear-based religion is a major factor if not the factor when it comes to organized religion.
What the hell is up with mandatory masks and vaccines then?
This is a classic case of dogmatic, blind following of misery loving company on a world wide scale. It should startle anyone that I can find a mask study, a paper on COVID-19 vaccines, and a three hour medical conversation between doctors (one of them being the creator of mRNA technology) in a matter of minutes, all of which call into question the fear-based mainstream narrative of COVID-19, the government’s responses, and the efficacy of both masks and vaccines. The goal here is not to get political by any means, but rather peel back the curtain of the faith we all have.
From CNN to Facebook, apprehension, insecurities, and downright despair and horror floods us from every which angle, and much like the abhorrence of the sexual market, this fear-based industry wedges gaps in relationships, feeds off of insecurities, a lack of self-governance, and deteriorates any integrity found within society.
The freedom of religion is a key value in our American culture for a reason.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”
An Unorthodox Approach to Orthodoxy
Mark Manson, the author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck, has talked about the psychological concept of “The God Value” in various interviews. In the simplest terms, we all have subjective, value-based meaning within our lives which creates a value hierarchy within us, and for every individual, there is something that occupies that number one slot, aka the “God Value.” For religious individuals, this usually comes in the form of a god or gods. For those who don’t believe in heavenly like concepts, this number one value can be anything from money, to sex, to power, to self, and even to world governments. Whatever is our God Value, this is how any particular individual will view the world and the experiences they have.
Let’s expand on this for a minute.
Your God Value, or the thing you hold in highest regards creates the lens by which you see the world through. That lens then translates the world into reason—it gives the world and everything in it purpose for you in what is known as a metanarrative through an overarching interpretation of events and circumstances that provides a structure for your beliefs, giving meaning to your experiences. Marxism explains everything through economical, and class power structures. Identity politics explains everything through race, sexual orientation, sexual attraction, and surface level characteristics. Christianity does so through God and Christ.
If you’re not worshipping a god, you’re worshipping something.
Even if you're not religious, you have a faith. It may not be an orthodox approach, but the way your belief system works is anything but novel. It’s human nature to need something bigger than ourselves, which is why the first line in the First Amendment states freedom of religion and the prohibiting of the free exercise thereof. If there is no God in your life, something will be your god and you will pay homage and sacrifice to whatever that is.
The most ironic thing of all, is the same people who radically remove “God” under the guise of liberalism and modernity, advocating for a separation of church and state within executive authority, legislative power, and judicial oversight are often the very same people who approach politics with dogmatic behavior. When the state is your church, where is the separation at that point?
Infringing Beliefs
“It sounds like you have a God-shaped hole in your heart.”
—Norm MacDonald talking with Larry King
There are many superficial values that we are bombarded and pressured into honoring, and the easier life gets, the more likely someone is to catastrophize something that is rather vain or insignificant. First world problems, am I right?
We observe this in the Paradox of Choice as we witness how having a variety of fantastic options brings about stress, problematizing basic decision-making. The brain, like muscles, needs resistance and challenge in order to grow, and when our lives are relatively easy, problems and challenge are then manufactured to simulate the natural growth we all yearn for. From Spartan Races to the faith of Social Justice Warriors, when we lose a powerful vertical, higher relationship, a weaker one will always fill the void.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are not among these minute, fabricated issues.
If every American took to heart these three values and the relationship they have with each other, nobody would be outraged by the Heartbeat Bill in Texas. Please, enlighten me on how this or any other anti-abortion case is a violation of the First Amendment. Do you worship with the blood of human babies or zygotes (or insert any other desensitized noun here)? Is the government saying that you can’t talk, publish, or protest the matter? What’s the grievance from not letting human life form?
Extrapolate that to another matter.
What the hell’s wrong with one person having multiple legal spouses? (Notice how I didn’t say gender specific terms. You’re welcome activists.) I’m not saying you can’t worship the ocean, but why is the unpardonable sin multiple wives or husbands and not dead progeny? Because people are whoring themselves out for political gain, disregarding the value of life and the future liberty and happiness that life could have. Believe it or not, most religious people could care less if you believe in all powerful creator, and as long as your beliefs do not infringe on the Lives, Liberties, and the Pursuit of Happiness of others, believe away!
The Protestant Reformation in Today’s World
“You can only find out what you actually believe (rather than what you think you believe) by watching how you act.”
The Protestant Reformation catapulted human reasoning into an Age of Enlightenment. When Martin Luther posted his 95 theses, he wasn’t just challenging Catholicism, but encouraged the modern world to ask questions without fear of recourse. This moment empowered free thinking.
Ask yourself: “am I a useful idiot in the political game of another?”
When religions and ideas are suppressed, society as a whole turns to the next higher power, which is often the entity that is doing the suppressing—the government. This is why Communism is so dangerous. Look at China’s treatment of its Uighur population. As a mostly Muslim group, they see their power within their faith rather than Chinese officials, which is all the justification these political prostitutes needed to legalize its re-education camps.
Modern culture is bastardizing spiritual relationships.
This same culture is saying that we have the power and ability to do anything we want without consequence. Riot, loot, abort, and vote for the person giving you free shit. In the age of technology and self-empowerment, we have the ability to direct our lives in whatever direction we want, which is fantastic. However, as an unintended, unseen consequence, we aren't buying into the orthodox practices that healthy, vertical relationships establish and are losing deeper meaning within our lives as a result.
What good is any of this doing?