Damn Questions
“If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people ask?”
They are protective, empowering ideals and standards to protect American citizens against a tyrannical government. Not only do they secure individual freedoms that Americans, and every human should have, but they helped established the rights of individuals and states.
If you’re not worshipping a god, you’re worshipping something. Even if you're not religious, everyone has a faith. It may not be an orthodox approach, but the way someone’s belief system works is anything but novel. It’s human nature to need something bigger than ourselves. This is exactly why the first line in the First Amendment states freedom of religion and the prohibiting of the free exercise thereof.
If there is no God in your life, something will be your god and you will pay homage and sacrifice to whatever that is.
The right to keep and bear arms in the United States is a right protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. In short, it is a fundamental right that allows someone to protect their homes, families, and person.
Socialism is not a governmental system, but rather a transitory ideology with the sole purpose of making room for another power, often directly arching into communism which is the full reign of government over individual rights and liberties.
Developed in the mid-1990's by Joseph P. Overton, the Overton Window is a model for understanding how ideas, policies, and culture change over time to influence politics, policies, and law. Politicians do have the ability to move the Overton Window themselves by “courageously endorsing” a policy that lies outside of the Window. But more often than not, the shift and expansion is based on a much more complex and dynamic phenomenon within society, slowly evolving values and norms.
In the simplest terms, the Dunning-Kruger Effect is a correlation between confidence and competence and is a cognitive bias where people believe they are smarter than they really are. This in turn causes said individuals to overestimate their ability to perform in a given field outside their expertise and is especially noticeable in the early stages of knowledge.
These are referred to as the logical, moral/ethical, and emotional modes of persuasion people use in argument and debate, all of which are effective and useful ways in which ideas are armed and defended.
Logos appeals to a person’s reason and ability to think critically about arguments and conversations. Ethos appeals to one’s status, authority, or character, making them more trustworthy. Pathos appeals to emotions, forcing sympathy or anger on an audience.
There is at least an obvious psychological addictive appeal to sexual fetishes, fantasies, and novelties, if not a strong argument for physiological and socially unhealthy secondary effects, and like any clandestine behavior, pornography can metastasize into perversions and extreme destructive behaviors—hence human trafficking, pedophilia, incest, and child pornography.
Human trafficking is a serious humanitarian issue that is often woven into political policy and is a form of modern-day slavery. It is the selling of one human being to another for the purpose of sex, labor, or organ harvesting.
In 2016, over 40 million human being world-wide were trafficked and it is a fact that there are more people in slavery than in any other time in history.
Utopia is an idealized vision of a perfect society. The belief that humans can be perfected will always lead to massive mistakes anytime a “perfect society” is designed for an imperfect species that has so much variation in how individuals want to live.
Communism is the prime example of humanity’s ability to recognize that even the best of theories can catastrophically fail when put into practice. Even when motives are pure and justified by an idealistic vision of “the greater good”, greed always takes over.
The word “Utopia” comes from Sir Thomas More in 1515 and is derived from the Greek ou (“not”) and topos (“place”) literally meaning “No Place.”
A Dystopia is a variation on that is derived from the Greek dys (“ill” or “bad”) and topos (“place”), or in other words, a dystopia is a “Bad Place.” Arguably, Sir Thomas More wrote the first dystopian novel—long before George Orwell—while simultaneously creating the term “Utopia” from which the genre is founded from.
“Grooming” is when an adult befriends and establishes an emotional relationship with a child for the nefarious purpose of a creating sexual relationship with the child. It is a practice that destabilizes the identity of children at their most impressionable moments in life.
A “Groomer” is an individual who participates in Grooming with the main objective of destabilizing the identity of children. A Groomer is also someone who often subscribes to identity politics such as Queer Theory and Minor Attracted Persons (MAP) ideology.
Modern propaganda is a consistent, enduring effort to create or shape events to influence the relations of the public to an enterprise, idea, or group. It is the “conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses” by what Edward Bernays calls The Invisible Government.
Edward Bernays was the man who helped pioneer the manipulation and shaping of public opinion by creating a scientific process for the dissemination of information in what he called the “engineering of consent.”