Education & Propaganda
Homeschooling is the Only Way to Fight Against Cultural Dystopia
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From Groomers in the classroom to violently unstable individuals walking into schools for target practice, the shadow is growing darker, clearly showing us that the State does not give a damn about our children nor their safety, wellbeing, let alone their education. The bureaucracy sees these little ones not as the generation of future progress, but rather as tiny activists in training that have the multifaceted purpose of being used as cannon fodder on the political battlefield.
This red-pilled realization does little though to alleviate the figurative rock and hard place working parents are put between when it comes to schooling and providing a quality K-12 education for their children. A parent’s duty is to prepare their children as best they can for the future world they will face. So, with that being said, this is not a doom and gloom dystopian article, but rather a solution and different way of thinking that will challenge the “status quo” of education, childcare, and the current working culture.
From the Cradle to the GRAVE
“No man any more has any care for the morrow, either for himself or his children, for the nation guarantees the nurture, education, and comfortable maintenance of every citizen from the cradle to the grave.”
The current state of the State is this:
The government is inserting itself in absolutely every level of child rearing, taking both the ownership and the means of operation and production of our children’s education, culture, and future into their own hands. In other words, they have effectively socialized how our children learn and think all the way into adulthood and retirement. From government sponsored childcare to public education, federal grants for university education, and student loan forgiveness programs that outline which government approved jobs you can have if you want their grace in paying off student debt, allowing you to essentially become an employed slave of the State.
If you work long enough, you can then earn a government pension and subsist on their dime until you’re six feet under. It’s a closed looped system that provides education, training, jobs, and then retirement programs, ensuring that you’re reminded in every phase of your life that it is because of the State that you have a life to begin with.
It’s no wonder people make a god out of government.
I don’t have the time and expertise in this current moment, nor do most have the patience to have an in-depth conversation about the convoluted origins of Cradle-to-Grave ideology, but as far as the United States is concerned, we can trace the current shift of belief in individual responsibility and a decentralized limited government to a belief of “social responsibility” and powerful government all the back to FDR’s New Deal.* FDR and his brain trust were under the strong opinion that the government’s duty was to protect individual’s and households from the sweat earned fortune and control the operation of the economy in the public interest, even if that meant government ownership and operation of the means of production.
Detailed government planning that removes personal agency from the equation.
In 2007, yes, over a decade ago, the most commonly cited reasons for homeschooling were to either provide religious moral instruction, there were concerns about the environment of other schools, and/or there was a dissatisfaction with academic instruction at other schools comprising a total of roughly 74% of respondents answering in one of these three fashions. Of those households homeschooling currently, do you think those opinions or answers would be different?
Let’s look at another stat.
From 1999 to 2016, the number of estimated homeschooled students in the United States nearly doubled from 850,000 to 1.69 million, and in the wake of the 2020 lockdown fiascos and the woke teachers on TikTok, I can only imagine what that number would look like in 2022. And before anyone makes a dookie in their pants about working parents having to homeschool, don’t worry, I’ll be addressing that shortly.
Now when it comes to the education of our children, here are the results that have come from the geniuses within government and the bureaucratic institutions—aka, people who give nothing but a meager reason to keep existing:
The lowering of education standards to accommodate the State’s screwup in prolonged lockdown activity.
If there is truth to the adage “knowledge is power”, then the fears that Oregon is creating a “school to prison pipeline” for minority students is very real.
Not to mention, rather than focusing on learning and getting skills, kids now must be worried about being prosecuted by school boards for “mispronouning” others as it is seen by these paper-pushers as “sexual harassment.”
We could go on and on finding case after case, story after story painting the picture in further detail that education is one of the furthest standards from these good intentioned policies and efforts of the Federal, State, and even Local bureaucrats.
But that’s not the point...
The point is that while the State is creating a dystopian educational environment, working parents feel that they have no choice but to elect for these government officials to be in charge of their children’s minds. While the values of government are moving in one direction, the values of parents must comply or come in direct conflict with state sanctioned administrators—either way, one cannot serve two masters.**
*See Free to Choose by Milton Friedman and Rose Friedman, specifically Chapter 4 for an in-depth analysis of the Welfare State (social security, public assistance, housing subsidies, medical care) and the fallacies of said Welfare State
** “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6:24 KJB). I felt that it needed to be fully quoted here in order to appreciate the contextual wisdom that a house divided cannot stand (see also Mark 3:25 KJB).
The White House or My House
“What’s done to children, they will do to society.”
When it comes to me and my household, I really don’t care what’s happening in the White House. I may talk politics but that is more out of a realization that they are connected to the current culture. I also prefer not to be ignorant. I am under no illusions that what I say here on Damn It I Love America will have an effect on the current whatevers of the political climate. Ultimately this is a way for me to process my thoughts, and if someone reads them that is a happy byproduct.
With that being said, let me rant some more...
What does Economy Mean?
Deriving from the Greek word oikos, or house, and the Greek word nomos, or managing, the word economy literally means “household management.” Sure, rising gas prices effect the wallet which in turn puts a financial burden on parents, but fiscal terms and conditions are just one facet of an economy despite the confusion coming from both macro and micro institutions.
The root of any economy is the household—it is the family.
When you look at it from that lens it makes a lot more sense why educational institutions are at the forefront of political activists, because when you control the culture of the children, it is easy to remove the authority from what their parents say and do to those within these “professional” and “authoritative” social structures.
The Marxist institution BLM Inc. made it their mission to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family.” Hitler did it with his Hitler Youth Program and as I’ve mentioned numerous times, the Chinese Cultural Revolution created a generational gap that allowed for bureaucrats to take over in the form of communism. Marxism understands that when the family is not the foundational unit of a society, this creates a ripple throughout the culture with the end result of shifting power from the family to the government.
Challenging Current Culture
“The modern propagandist therefore sets to work to create circumstances which will modify that custom. He appeals perhaps to the home instinct which is fundamental.”
For years we’ve been told to go to school, get a good job, buy a home, and then retire. This narrative has been shaped throughout the decades and reinforced by government policy and corporate interests. It is a closed looped system that trains people to be workers and employees, making it so engrained in our culture that there is really only one secure way to make a living and provide for your family: work for a company and make yourself so valuable that you cannot be replaced. Self-employment is risky (which is true). Investments are risky (which is also true). What’s not said is that putting your way of life in the hands of another business owner/someone else is the riskiest of all.* With layoffs, furloughs, and forced early retirement at the tips of corporate and bureaucratic hands, this is proof that when there is no ownership there is no security.
You will fall victim to the dystopian WEF narrative of owning nothing and being “happy.”
People are clearly waking up to that fact because there has been a major boom in entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities despite the risks that have been copy and pasted into our cultural vernacular.
We could get into the weeds with the ESBI model that Robert Kiyosaki pioneered**, but in all honesty, for our conversation here what really needs to be understood is that there are two forms of income: “active” (employment and self-employment/small business) and “passive” (investments and big business).
Because so many people are caught up in the busy-ness of the time-money relationship active forms of income have, and with the active push from governments and corporations for citizens to pursue this form of income, it’s no wonder parents feel they have no choice but to outsource their children’s education to another institution. They simply do not have the time do provide an income/financial stability and teach/educate their children. Whether they choose free, public education or private charter/preparatory schools, in either case, the values of the children are outside of the household and outside the parent’s control. Now, to play devil’s advocate, some parents really do not care whether their kids are home or not—whether they are involved in their children’s education or not just so long as they get an education.
However, there are those parents who do understand their duty and responsibility to their children. For those asking how—how do parents make a living and educate their children, especially when the rise of needing two-incomes per household to provide the basics has only risen?
It’s simple. Not easy, but simple. You change the way you make money. You find a way to move from “active income” to “passive income.”
*By way of a sidenote, following your passion is also a risky endeavor when it comes to providing a living for a family. Art students anyone??
**See Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and “Business of the 21st Century”
What does the Future of Education Look Like?
With the clear divide of values between governments and households growing, there really are only two options when it comes to K-12 education: outsourced education or homeschooling. Yes, there are charter and private schools that may have values that align with a household, but as they are a business, how long will that last? What happens when these institutions cave to outside influences and social peer pressure that go against a parent’s values because the numbers in their back accounts are in jeopardy? If there is one thing social justice is effective in is its ability to instill fear for not abiding by their perceived world view.
Transgender groomers.*
BLM riots.
There is absolute madness occurring within the culture of modern society. We live in a Huxleyan dystopia where so long as it gratifies, it therefore must be moral. These distractions of pleasure make way for Orwellian, totalitarian moves to be made on the geopolitical chessboard because society lacks awareness and care for anything but narcissistic desires.
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude.”
If we want our children to not be influenced by the State, we must find a way to bring their education within the home**. If we are worried about radical cultural influences warping their minds, then there really is no other choice but to homeschool. All this hinges on a parent’s ability to provide financial support without taking time away from their child.
If you want a different result, you must be willing to try something radically different.
*Sydney Watson did an amazing video on the universities covering up the history of transgenderism.
**Homeschooled children are showing to not only be more educated, but have an increase in emotional stability, social wellness, and psychological performance: Homeschooling: The Research, Scholarly articles, studies, facts, research (