Okay Groomer
How Modern Culture is Grooming Our Children for Political and Literal Sex Work
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“The sexual revolution has been an unmitigated disaster for the human race.”
*Episode 938, minute marker 23:44
There is nothing novel about the sexual craze that we experience day to day in the “Brave New World” that the Rainbow Community markets to the masses. The immorality that these TikTok warriors propagate is just repackaged and rebranded paganism to better target a more vulnerable audience.
Not only has the sexual revolution laid the groundwork that normalizes sexual promiscuity, these urges often metastasize and spread to more radical and fringe sexual behaviors that lead to child porn and sex trafficking of minors. Not only is prostitution not empowering women but rather is a line of work that attaches women to the strings of the sexual whims of society, pornography is destroying our brains. From sugar daddy apps geared to helping women bang their way into wallets and bank accounts, these same people preach wage equality while simultaneously undermine their own efforts by hypocritically creating sexual objects and slaves out of people.
From Hooters to Playmates to booty hashtags, our culture is absolutely obsessed with sex. And why?
Where does the idea that women are free when they serve their employers but slaves when they serve their husband and children come from—that it is better to whore themselves out and be sexually promiscuous than be wives and mothers? If you believe in the movement that “prostitution is empowerment”, it calls into question other ideas that are being laundered through the guises of equity, socialism, and sexual identity.
Cult Like Origins
Bear with me, but let’s gear down for a minute and talk about the term cult.
Language evolves, that is obvious. We wouldn’t have modern terms and language like “smart phone” and “internet” if it didn’t. However, with slang and vulgar vernacular, language is also bastardized and corrupted on a regular basis.
From around the 1610s, the term cult more or less meant “worship or homage”. Coming from the Latin word “cultus” which means to care, labor, cultivate, culture, and worship and pay to or hold reverence for something, and until the mid-19th century the word was virtually nonexistent which explains why dictionaries such as Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary has no reference to the word. Regardless, the word stems from the concept of culture and reverence despite its sullied reputation from understanding of truly evil and psychotic people.
Today, the term cult is synonymous with an organization, religious or not, with whom an individual disagrees with. Sometimes it is warranted, like in the case of suicide cults, and sometimes it is not because it is a buzzword attached to a lack of understanding or a simple refusal to do so.
Take the term Mormon for example.
Because of Joseph Smith and the Utah Mormon Culture, Christians who do not want to associate with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do so due to a lack of understanding of the faith or through basic biases and prejudices, personal and/or anecdotal. They then check this religion off as a “cult” with the sole goal of creating as wide of a chasm between their Christian faith and the Christian faith of the “Mormons” because in short, they deem the faith of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be false and/or immoral. Calling something a cult in this instance makes it easier to dehumanize and discredit the institution and those involved.
Destabilizing a Nation
When you destabilize the basic identity of a young group or culture, you make the youth more likely to rebel against the “old culture.”
That was the entire blueprint of Mao Zedong when he launched the Chinese Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. Known as the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, in 1966 Mao shut down the nation’s schools in order to mobilize the nation’s youth to attack leaders Mao thought were a threat to him and his vision of Communism. In the months that followed, the movement escalated quickly as the Chinese youth formed paramilitary groups called the Red Guards that quickly created a personality cult around Mao Zedong that urged the population to rid itself of the “Four Olds”: Old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas.
This destruction of the old culture made way for a new one and was done simple by destabilizing the identity of the youth and creating a cult-like chasm between the young and elderly.
Hitler used it with his Hitler Youth Program and Lenin with The All-Union Leninist Communist League of Youth. These political activists understood that such a program was necessary in dismantling the “old culture” and replacing it with their socialistic and tyrannical version of a new society.
Was the older generation a cult worthy of elimination? Were the youth brainwashed in believing there was a cult to begin with?
Okay Groomer*
“Queer Theory is Marxist grooming ideology.”
Stephen Kershnar has been a longtime advocate and sophist for “the moral status of adult-child sex”. His work has been a major player in shifting the Overton Window to favoring pedophiles in rebranding their stigmatized status as “Minor-Attracted Persons” or MAPS. Kershnar’s thesis that adult-child sex is moral is based solely on the fact that he rejects “accounts of the moral wrongfulness of adult-child sex that rests on the absence of consent, concerns about adult exploitation of children, and the existence of a morally primitive duty against such sex” stating that the arguments of child harm, the infringement of the rights of these young people, and their exploitation do not convince him of the immorality of adult-child sex.
Now here is where we tie everything we’ve talked about together...
As an ideology and political practice, Marxism seeks to destroy the “old culture” with the sole intent of making the younger generation more malleable and “groomable” and is simply done by shaking the foundations of their identity—by taking away their youthful innocence.
The definition of “queer” under Queer Theory is “identity without an essence.” When an individual does not know or understand who they are, their identity is immediately destabilized and in this case is done so through sex and sexual confusion. With the loss of innocence, the youth then become malleable culturally and manipulated politically.
What is Child Grooming?
Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with someone under the age of consent (a child) with the sole purpose of manipulation, exploitation, and/or abuse.
The targeting of children through sex—aka, child-grooming—is intentional on two fronts from these nefarious ideologies:
Pedophiles and child groomers can finally legally fulfill their abhorrent sexual perversions.
By destroying the youth’s identity and creating a “cult-like” division between their generation and the older generation, they can then be used as cultural tools for nefarious political agendas.
So, not only are children being “groomed” sexually but they simultaneously becoming political activists. Marxist and pedophiles are working hand in hand to bring about this cultural destabilization via the sexuality of our children and this perverse culture they are exposed to on a daily basis.
*This term was taken from James Lindsay. As way of noting, a bulk of the ideas talked about here can be discussed in further detail and depth on his series: Groomer Schools - New Discourses
Our Identities Are At Stake
The most effective, mass identity destroying method society has found is that through Marxist ideology and the identity politics in which it’s attached itself to. From BLM Inc. originating from “trained Marxists” to Antifa and Gender-Queer Theory, all of these groups seek to create an identity crisis within their ranks by offering them a more politically progressive one to identify with*.
It all comes down to the simple question:
Are we taking care of our children?
Are we teaching them and raising them? Or are we allowing them to become subjects of the state and state actors? Are we being parents and mentors or are we just as susceptible to the whims of collective society and thought as the young and impressionable?
Are we the adults?
*One of the most comprehensive guide to understanding these identity politics is the book Cynical Theories by Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay.