Socialists & Marxists
How Can You Not Be Aware of Your Own Stupidity?
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If you’ve ever wondered how you can become what Yuri Bezmenov coined a “useful idiot” in the political prostitution ring, this Ultimate Guide to Being a Moron is the place for you. Socialism isn’t just when “the government does stuff”—that’s an oversimplification. In the simplest terms, socialism is based in Marxist beliefs with the ultimate goal to shift power dynamics from one perceived set of individuals to another envious group.
That’s it! It really is that simple.
Has Socialism Ever Worked?
No, it has never been successful.
From the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) who branded itself as a Marxist-Leninist organization before back peddling on that stance, to the socialist policies of China that have catapulted the nation into one of the most powerful communist powers the world has ever seen. We’ve got Cuba’s Castro, and of course, how could we forget the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, aka, the Nazi’s. There’s North Korea, the Communist Party of Kampuchea in Cambodia, the infamous Soviet Union and the the secret genocide of Stalin, Romania shortly after WWII, Venezuela who for a short time was propped up as a socialistic utopia under Hugo Chavez but now is in economic plunder, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe under socialist Robert Mugabe who is proving to have ordered the killings of more than 20,000 civilians. All of these were abject failures to any sane human being out there.
However, with all of that being said, socialism has been a phenomenal success to ignorant sycophants and sadistic revolutionaries.
“The goal of socialism is communism.”
How Socialist Revolutions Actually Work
It all starts with every woke person’s hero: Karl Marx, who didn’t necessarily create, but rather popularized the idea of class systems, the oppression within them, and how it is the duty of the perceived oppressed to overthrow the perceived oppressors through class struggle. It’s rather an underdog kind of story, now, isn’t it? Normally the “struggle” is economical (the working class and bourgeois), however, with recent Critical Theories and the evolution of Postmodernism, the oppression concept has gained the ability to shift to identity politics when needed.
But that’s how it all starts—with class and identity power systems.
Next, this disenfranchised group seizes control, which is often the case by using democratic means*. The question then remains, “once power is taken, where does the mob go from here?” Historically, the same people who wanted to decentralize power ironically give a centralized group of charismatic leaders control of the entire system they just took over, which in turn, now implement “pay your fair share” kind of policies, leveling the playing field into equitable terms.
This works... for a time.
Eventually people begin to get pissed off. Dreams are shattered. Expectations are unmet and resentment sets in as they realize equity isn’t all that it’s proposed as being, creating opposition to the new socialistic regime. “Sabotage” the leaders declare in attempts to silence any dissension. This naturally leads to jail time, and foreseeing another uprising brewing in the kitchen, these new oligarchs proactively remove guns from society. This doesn’t stop the protests though as often the useful idiots realize they’ve been used. They got equality, but rather than being equally rich, everyone is equally poor.
This is when the killing starts.
Jail no longer works, so physicality must be implemented in order to control the mobs. Economic chaos, poverty across the country, propaganda and never-ending bureaucracy, all of which can last for years and even decades until a revolution finally succeeds in tearing down the regime—the Berlin Wall being a stark example and reminder of this process.
Does any of this sound familiar in America today?
* Here’s a fun fact. A pure democracy is mob rule which is why Lenin infamously said that “democracy is indispensable to socialism.”
Sweden Socialism
The Nordic Model! This fairy tale is something advocates for socialism pray and hope to be the knight in shining armor they need. They are not only willing to ignore the bloodshed and tyranny socialism has always had, but surprise, surprise, they are willing to disregard facts that prove their fantasy false. Not only has the former Danish Prime Minister abjectly refuted claims of the socialistic slurs of Bernie Sanders, it’s been said outright that “Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. [It] is a market economy."
But that’s not enough apparently.
If you look at the numbers (and I know that objective truths like numbers are hard for postmodern theorists to accept), but not only are Iceland, Finland, and Denmark ranked higher than the United States who is ranked at 20 in Economic Freedom*, Sweden is ranked 21, just below the US. Not to mention, when it comes to Business Freedom, Property Rights, Government Integrity, and Fiscal Health, every single one of these countries rank higher* than the United States. None of those areas sound like the government controlling the means of production.
The truth is this.
Every country on the planet we call Earth has some form of government sponsored and provided services—like the military for example—but not every country is a socialist nation, and to say otherwise and that “Democratic Socialism” will work despite the bloody failures we’ve discussed above is asinine at best. Socialism is not a governmental system, it’s a transitory ideology with the sole purpose of making room for another power, often directly arching into communism.
*As of September 2021
The Means of Production
This is what it all comes down to: what do you expect the government to do?
Democratic Socialism, like all forms of socialism, expects the government to eliminate private ownership and implement public ownership for basic goods and services, ultimately giving them absolute control of production and distribution of said goods and services. After all, who else would be able to regulate such a system?
It not only sounds nice when you’re promised everything, but guess what, that’s not a world view to follow and vote for people promising you free shit. That’s called corruption and to think that there is a political party or group immune to drinking the tyrannical Kool-Aid, open a book! There is no such thing as a manmade centralized power that can create the perfect society, and every entity that has tried has failed humanity.
So let me offer this piece of advice.
Get off your ass and get to work! If you believe in individual choice, then you believe in Capitalism. Hate to break it to you, but that’s all the dirty word Capitalism means, because in its simplest form (purest if you will) Capitalism is the right for a single person to choose what they want to do and has the added protections of property rights. Any deviation from this, where people try to manipulate markets, governments, and organizations for personal gain and power fall into the realm of either Crony Capitalism or Socialism, and all that depends on whether it is a private entity or government officials doing the manipulating.
Collectivism has never worked.
Public ownership is a fantasy.
And falling victim to the marketable promises the Marxist Theory offers has brought us where we are today in our national culture where people feel entitled rather than having the clout to go out and earn, providing something useful to society. While socialism relies on the kindness of this hive mind and the queen bee within it, capitalism takes into account that certain individuals suck but overall, when left to their own devices, a person will make better decisions than a government oligarch.
A Religious Cult
What’s the difference between Marxism and Communism? There is none because both utilize the vanities of power structures for personal gains, implementing useful idiots and people willing to whore themselves out for collectivist agendas. I realize that it is absolutely pointless in arguing with the followers of socialistic dogma, because their faith has become so ingrained in the philosophy that they’d so much as be martyred than denounce their newfound god.
I’m not talking to them.
I’m talking to those of you who are still learning, unsure, and yet open to having your mind changed, shifting internal paradigms that maybe—just maybe socialism isn’t what it’s being sold to be. The biggest ideological difference between the United States and the Soviet Union was the kind of higher power relationships that existed within the respective cultures. When God is first, family second, and country third, contrast that to the structure of society compared to Stalinism and Leninism where Mother Russia is the ultimate good. We all have a god, and for socialists it’s the government and the power structures they yearn to control.
If you’ve ever donated to a political cause, organization, or slogan without fully understanding where the money is going, you are a useful idiot who just got tithed. The most obvious example of the greed that leaders of these kind of movements espouse is no better articulated than that of BLM Inc. co-founder Patrisse Cullors. When using funds from donors to purchase a 1.4 million dollar home in an area that has a black population of less than 2%, she said that “[she’s] created the infrastructure and the support, and the necessary bones and foundations, so that [she] can leave, [feeling] like the time is right” for her to do so.
You know what that sounds like?
A business owner who built a means to wealth and then sells the company to move on to bigger and better things. So, she’s either the worst Marxist in all of history, or she is the most brilliant ideolog who just duped a bunch of people to give her money, power, and influence.
Think for yourself! Stop copying and pasting market slogans and ad campaigns, using them as evidence of your intellect. The American Marxist Ideology is destroying this country. Stop letting your complaints about human nature be used for political purposes, because the masses never control nor coordinate and lead, but rather seek order in the form of a deity, and like all power vacuums, tyranny will rise to the top.