Brave New World Vs. 1984
How the Great Reset and New World Order is Using Dystopian Fiction as Their Master Roadmap
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Although this topic is often touted as a fiction from conspiracy theorists, it is needful to remind ourselves that the foundations of all fiction stems from a very real human experience. Whether it be the Great Reset or the New World Order, these are all synonymous with power, control, and tyranny that is using very imaginative means to obtain said power, control, and tyranny.
Take Orwell’s 1984 for example.
“A ruling class has got to have a strict morality, a quasi-religious belief in itself, a mystique.”
Published in 1949, this novel came out during the great unrest during Europe’s reconstruction after the fall of the Nazi Reich. This moment in history led to the new war of democracy and capitalism fighting against communism and authoritarianism. From the chaos of the Spanish Civil War, the Soviet Union, and the Hitler’s rise and fall in power, great hate and distrust to authoritarian sociopolitical movements were justified as Orwell articulated the dangers of political suppression and totalitarianism through Animal Farm and his famous dystopian fiction, 1984.
With the memorably ghastly descriptions of the Thought Police and Room 101, 1984 is a world of scarcity rather than abundance—a world petrified by fear from the top-down and bottom-up. While the masses stand under the shadow of what an all-powerful government entity can impose on them, the one’s in charge of the narrative fear intellect and freedom of thought and belief from the one’s they rule over. Orwell’s greatest fear for humanity was that of an iron fist ruling in an absolute fashion and doing so through the negative reinforcers of fear and violence.
Now, what about Huxley’s Brave New World?
Brave New World
“Infant-conditioning and narco-hypnosis are far more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”
Here we learn about the musings* of eugenics, human purity, and totalitarian regimes, all formed around the dystopian theme of control through pleasure and immorality. In this Huxleyan dystopia, truth is monitored, controlled and hid from the masses indirectly by flooding people’s senses with irrelevance.
What reason is there for truth when no one is concerned about it?
Conformity through desensitizing society.
Brave New World was written in a time where modernity, or the profound cultural transformation of the rise of representative democracies, age of science and reason over superstition, and the established liberties of the individual according to their values was all coming into full fruition. This age of enlightenment forced Huxley to ask himself if a human being—for their own good—could be designed and controlled from the womb to the grave. If so, could this kind of ideology bring real happiness?
Through sex, drugs, and social conditioning the young are malleable as these symptoms of “un-freedom” are the foundations for alienating the individual through social instability and the erosion of standards and values.
With only chemical, mechanical, and sexual comforts, both of Huxley’s key characters find themselves being deficient in Nature, Religion, and Literature even though they cannot put a name to these concepts. From a lack of understanding of the cosmos and its grandeur to the sensory overload of entertainment and minutiae, the protagonists are unable to stand in awe and have little appreciation for philosophy, theology, and literature all the way down to the words they use daily.
While both novels are not completely devoid of contradictions whether through ironic intent or mere coincidence, the macro themes of both 1984 and Brave New World bleed into each other, leaving room for the basic interpretation that each author understood the same thing. Totalitarian control and desensitizing distractions are needed in order to achieve complete control over the masses. Huxley said it himself when he said that:
“The nightmare of Nineteen Eighty-Four is destined to modulate into the nightmare of a world having more resemblance to that which I imagined in Brave New World. The change will be brought about as a result of a felt need for increased efficiency.” **
To learn a little bit more about the comparison’s of 1984 and Brave New World, see
*See Huxley, Aldous "Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited (foreword by Christopher Hitchens)" (2004)
**Huxley’s answer to George Orwell when Orwell sent an advanced copy to him.
Let’s Talk Propaganda*
“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.”
“Modern propaganda is a consistent, enduring effort to create or shape events to influence the relations of the public to an enterprise, idea, or group.” It is the “conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses” by what Edward Bernays calls The Invisible Government. In other words, there are puppets who listen and puppeteers who sift the vast amounts of information and data for society’s benefit and sanity.
However, the word didn’t always have the negative connotation that we associate it with today. Coined in 1622 under Pope Gregory XV, the Church feared the spreading of Protestantism and created an effort to clarify Catholic beliefs so that followers of the faith would be “placed in the pasture of true faith, that they may be gathered together in saving doctrine.” **
Say what you will about the Catholic Church, but the original intent of propaganda was an honest attempt to provide quality, accurate information and it wasn’t until 1915 that other official governing bodies systematically used modern media to shape public opinion and “fanatical assent.”
But before we delve too far down the cynical rabbit hole, we need to make sure we’re on the same page with Edward Bernays and what makes him qualified to be involved in this conversation.
So... who is Bernays?
*See Edward Bernays, Propaganda , with an introduction by Mark Crispin Miller is the foundation of this section. Any quote or source below about Edward Bernays is also from this book.
**The Latin Text of Gregory’s bull is included in Magnum Bullarium Romanum
WHo Is Edward Bernays?
Edward Bernays was the man who helped pioneer the manipulation and shaping of public opinion by creating a scientific process for the dissemination of information in what he called the “engineering of consent.” During World War I both he and Walter Lippmann were influential members of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI). The CPI was a powerful propaganda tool at the time used to “sell” and advertise democracy and the Allied efforts in the war. Their propaganda campaign was so successful in accomplishing this that it not only legitimized propagandists for future war efforts, but their work became the foundation of corporate marketing strategies for organizations like General Motors, Procter & Gamble, John D. Rockefeller, and General Electric to name a few.
And we’re just scratching the surface.
Bernays was under the belief that Democracy requires this supra-governmental body comprising of detached professionals whose sole job is to sift and sort information on behalf of public interest, and by not having these types of people in the world, modern society would come to a crashing halt. Because of this belief Edward Bernays stated that “society consents to have its choice narrowed to ideas and objects brought to its attention through propaganda of all kinds.”
What he is saying is that we have voluntarily agreed to indirectly elect this invisible government to help organize the chaos and have put great trust in their ability to organize the chaos on our behalf. He is a salesman for propaganda and is not interested in a social thought experiment on the concept. After all, Bernays also said that the purpose of his book was to:
“Explain the structure of the mechanism which controls the public mind, and to tell how it is manipulated by the special pleader who seeks to create public acceptance for a particular idea or commodity.”
Productions of Mass REaction
“Touch a nerve at a sensitive spot and you get an automatic response from certain specific members of the organism.”
Bernays had great faith in these Invisible Governors and was a strong advocate for propaganda. He saw himself and his fellow propagandists as seekers and disseminators of the truth, much like Catholicism back in the Seventeenth Century. He argues that:
“Propaganda becomes vicious and reprehensive only when its authors consciously and deliberately disseminate what they know to be lies, or when they aim at effects which they know to be prejudicial to the common good.”
Modern American culture receives ideas in a mass, wholesale fashion. From social media marketing campaigns to Google Ads, society bombards the human psyche with emotional appeal to take or not take a particular action within the economic, social, theological, or political constructs and does so through deliberate, systematic fashions. Poke your head into any marketing meeting and you’ll see just that. Marketing strategies are filled with the tactics Edward Bernays pioneered in the early Twentieth Century blurring the boundry between truth and agendas.
Activists are geared to utilize Pathos in order to strike a nerve or trigger “the mass mind” much like marketers.
Marxism and the Subversive Ideology
“Do you charge us with the wanting to stop the exploitation of children by their parents? To this crime we plead guilty... We destroy the most hallowed of relations, when we replace home education by social.”
We’ve already discussed this to some extent with Groomers and the overall Socialist ideology, but I think it bears further elaboration. As both an ideology and political practice, Marxism seeks to destroy the “old culture” with the sole intent of making the younger generation more malleable and “groomable”. Like the quote above articulates, this simple tactic is done by shaking the foundations of both individual identity and social identity, molding younger generations to the will of the State or other nefarious actors.
The most effective, socially destructive, mass identity crisis method is that through Marxist ideology and the identity politics attached. From BLM Inc. originating from “trained Marxists” to Antifa and Gender-Queer Theory, all these groups seek to create both macro and micro identity dilemmas through their mass marketing campaigns, offering their organization as the politically progressive one in which we should identify and align with.
Take Queer Theory* for example.
This theory defines “queer” as an “identity without an essence.” When an individual does not know or understand who they are, their identity is immediately destabilized and in this case is done so through sex and sexual confusion. With the loss of identity, the youth then become malleable culturally and manipulated politically.
The targeting of children through sex is intentional on two fronts:
Pedophiles and groomers can finally legally fulfill their abhorrent sexual perversions.
By destroying the youth’s identity and creating a “cult-like” division between their generation and the older generation, they can then be used as cultural tools for nefarious political agendas.
Socialism has never worked under the premises that activists have marketed and rather has been a phenomenal success at destroying families, societies, countries and the individual agency of those within these structures.
From the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) who branded itself as a Marxist-Leninist organization before back peddling on that stance, to the socialist policies of China that have catapulted the nation into one of the most powerful communist powers the world has ever seen through the Chinese Cultural Revolution. We’ve got Cuba’s Castro, and of course, how could we forget the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, aka, the Nazi’s. There’s North Korea, the Communist Party of Kampuchea in Cambodia, the infamous Soviet Union and the secret genocide of Stalin, Romania shortly after WWII, Venezuela who for a short time was propped up as a socialistic utopia under Hugo Chavez but now is in economic plunder, Vietnam, and Zimbabwe under the socialist Robert Mugabe who is proving to have ordered the killings of more than 20,000 civilians.
All of these were abject failures to any sane human being out there.
Marxism is equivalent to a religion or dogmatic cult as it propagates its agendas through pathos rhetoric feeding off useful idiots who simply copy and paste the narratives to social media.
*A bulk of the ideas talked about here can be discussed in further detail on James Lindsay’s series: Groomer Schools and in his book Cynical Theories with coauthor Helen Pluckrose.
The New World Order and The Great Reset
“The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is about six to twelve months.”
Now, if you’ve stuck with me this long, I’m either sounding completely insane or there is at least a glimmer of reason and rationality with what I’ve presented.
At this point I don’t think that it’s a stretch to say that there are orchestrators of agendas and narratives. Whether they be algorithms written in code that are engineered to keep us looking for our desires or the literal Invisible Government Edward Bernays articulates, those in charge of the strings do so through carefully constructed "Rings of Power" as described by Edward Griffin.**
We know there’s a New World Order! Australian health officials said it themselves. Now whether that was a Freudian slip or an innocent reference to a mass restructuring of society, when Fintech operations and Forbes magazine are using the New World Order term in a more palatable fashion, what was once a widely known “conspiracy theory” is being advertised for “public acceptance”. It is a Fabian Strategy in which the sane are made to look like derailed, paranoid individuals simply because they are out of touch with “the opinions of the masses”. When searches for “contact tracing” looks very different on one search engine over another, questions must be asked!
The collectivist ideology touted through Communism and Socialism is how powerful politicians remain powerful politicians. There is no such thing as a Utopia as these narratives suggest. They want to create dystopian countries that put themselves in positions of permanent power.
Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector detailed the process in which a non-communist country can be converted to Communism in a simple, ideological subversive strategy***. Once you see this it is hard to unsee how the entire world is marketed and buying into this long-standing Communistic World Government. Their agenda is enforced by governments, allowing them to operate from behind the scenes and yet in plain sight.
Dystopias are no longer a fantasy or fiction, and if you were to ask Orwell or Huxley, I’m willing to bet that they would agree and that their works of fiction were an inevitable outcome for modern humanity.
*Episode 959 of the Michael Knowles Show
**See The Iconic Podcast: Communist Subversion
***See the 1984 interview with G. Edward Griffin titled “Deception Was My Job”