Socialistic Dystopia
How Collectivist Ideology Is Creating Fact Out of Dystopian Fiction
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Just like the entrepreneurs are to the want-repreneurs, everyone in a “democracy” likes to think of themselves as an independent thinker. The facts of the matter are this:
Democracy is indispensable to socialism.
Socialism requires the population’s collective thought or a Hivemind in order to function properly.
Now, before you get your panties in a wad, that is exactly why the United States is a Constitutional Republic with Democratic processes because the Founding Father’s understood that there is no real freedom in a pure democracy, aka: mob rule.
Is the system perfect?
Hell no it isn’t perfect, but it’s the best humanity’s got because the Federalist System and the Free Enterprise contained in it is the only societal structure that has allowed individual liberties to thrive. Not a monarchy, oligarchy, theocracy, or communism has attained what our Constitutional Republic has.
“Set your house in order before you criticize the world.”
There are many things wrong with socialism, but the biggest thing of all is that people keep trying the failed system, and why do they indulge in the insane cycle? Because it promises a Utopia. It shifts responsibility and consequence from the individual and moves it to the collective or general populace. Propagandists of socialism promise free shit and mass absolution. They see themselves as gods who can manipulate the laws of nature, pardoning the world from sin and corruption while ironically pumping in mass sorrow through their abominable, power-hungry acts.
Please, explain to me when socialism has worked!
It failed in 1977 with Angola and the MPLA.
It was an utter travesty in Cambodia in 1975.
Cuba has been an absolute joke with Castro as the butt end of it!
How could we forget the throbbing success of the National Socialist German’s Workers’ Party, aka the Nazis?
North Korea, yep, we’re using that as a roadmap for success.
The economic plunder of Venezuela is definitely something we should emulate.
Socialist Robert Mugabe was the Martin Luther King Jr. of Zimbabwe, his government having killed as low as 20,000 people, with estimates as high as 50,000.
Russia, obviously!
Let’s not forget China. From the Cultural Revolution to the violent totalitarian policies that locked Shanghai citizens in their homes.*
And don’t get me started on Swedish style socialism or the Nordic Model... This is a fairy tale. Every country on the planet has some form of government sponsored and provided services—like the military—but not every country is a socialist nation. Just like our republic system of has democratic processes, this does not make the United States a democracy. The same goes when countries have socialistic processes but remain not socialist.
*Fun fact: Hong Kong is a “thriving beacon of Capitalism” and is arguably the sole reason the Communistic Regime in China has done so well.
Socialism Sucks
No system is responsible for more human deaths* on this planet than that of socialism as it is nothing more than a transitory ideology with the sole purpose of making room for another power, often directly arching into communism.
So, I think it’s fair to say that we’ve established that socialism sucks and it sucks hard! If you’re still at odds with this then you might as well just close out of this window because nothing I say from here on out will make much sense to your small-minded nature.
*And yes, I am factoring in the “free birth control” policies that government institutions like Planned Parenthood who liberally offer abortions, absolving adults of their consequential actions to engage in sexual intercourse.
What is a Pure Democracy?
Now, let me make something very clear. Pure democracy and democratic values are not the same. As we’ve established above, pure democracy is a simple majority—it's when the argument, policy, or group with the most votes wins. The majority dictate law and culture. In layman’s terms, it is mob rule, deals in collective thought, and does not protect individual liberties and minorities. Socialism loves pure democracy for this very reason because it is most effective at stifling opposition.
This is why socialism sucks.
Democratic processes and values, however, factor in the general public—the culture and governmental bodies of society takes into consideration the common people—but still relies on representatives to govern. This is exactly why the United States is a constitutional republic with democratic processes and not a democracy in any form.
In the simplest way imaginable, freedom needs democratic values but democracy does not guarantee freedom. This may seem like I am mincing words and being overly concerned about semantics, but hopefully the following conversation will clarify this strict distinction.
Edward Bernays—the Father of Modern Propaganda
Edward Bernays* helped pioneer the manipulation and shaping of public opinion by creating a scientific process for the dissemination of information in what he called the “engineering of consent.” During World War I both he and Walter Lippmann were influential members of the U.S. Committee on Public Information (CPI) which was a powerful propaganda tool at the time used to sell and advertise democracy and the Allied efforts in the war.
Their propaganda campaign was so successful in accomplishing this that it not only legitimized propagandists for future war efforts, but their work became the foundation of corporate marketing strategies for organizations like General Motors, Procter & Gamble, John D. Rockefeller, and General Electric—which are only a few, especially by today’s standards.
Bernays was under the belief that democracy requires this supra-governmental body comprising of detached professionals whose sole job is to sift and sort information on behalf of public interest. He also believed that not having these types of people in the world would cause modern society to come to a crashing halt. Because of this deeply held intrinsic belief, Bernays stated that “society consents to have its choice narrowed to ideas and objects brought to its attention through propaganda of all kinds” and that “those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”
What he is saying is that when we rely on democracy we have voluntarily agreed to indirectly elect this invisible government to help organize the chaos on our behalf, and by so doing have also put great trust in their ability and expertise. How else could we consume everything that is out there? From computer algorithms to public relation experts, marketing is nothing more than the shaping of mass opinion and creating public acceptance of products, policy, or political ideology for profitable gains, monetary or otherwise.
Let’s contrast that with modernity.
*See Edward Bernays, Propaganda , with an introduction by Mark Crispin Miller is the foundation of this section. Any quote or source below about Edward Bernays is also from this book.
What is Modernity?
Modernity “[empowers] the individual to think, believe, read, write, speak, doubt, question, argue, and refute any ideas... in pursuit of truth.” There’s no grand filter taking out the chunky data on our behalf. Modernity allowed for the rise of representative democracy, scientific thought, reason to flourish over superstition, and for individual liberties and values to exist outside of the majority, oligarchies or any other authoritarian institution. It encourages communities over collectivism and challenges one to think for themselves.
It requires personal ownership thought, choices, and the consequences resulting from either.
This is not pure democracy which propaganda seeks out and incentivizes. It is free belief, free thought, and free expression. It is the First Amendment which encourages the individual, the ultimate minority society has.
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.
George Orwell, 1984
Real Life Dystopian Organizations
Fact-checkers, misinformation and disinformation campaigns, celebrities colluding with health experts, and social media influencers being used by political governing bodies is everything Edward Bernays dreamed the future would be and is all straight out of an Orwellian Dystopia. And these are the blatant ones that don’t do a very good job at hiding the hand of the “invisible government”.
What is more disturbing are those organizations that make their propaganda look like unbiased, legitimate news. From Jeff Bezos and his Washington Post purchase to “nonpartisan” conglomerates* like Courier and Good Information which is the most 1984 term that I’ve ever heard. These organizations are networked to help control the narrative and public stories, ultimately shaping ideas inside our minds.
Do you want “Good Information" or do you want correct information, because there is a difference?
*EXPOSED: Who’s REALLY Running the Biden Administration? (
Advocate for Communities, Not Collectivism
Collectivism disguises itself under community effort. Take CHAZ for example which is the perfect summation of how people tried to blur the lines of political groupthink with communal sentiment. In Seattle Washington, six blocks of the city were violently taken over by Antifa radicals in the name of Social Justice that rode in on the wake of the George Floyd Protests. This “community” had rape, murder, and absolute anarchy, all stemming from the premises of BLM Inc. and their messaging. No marketing campaign was more successful in 2020 as it advocated for the abolishment of the nuclear family and defunding the police, none of which create any sort of safe community but rather dogmatic reliance on an organization adherence to their doctrine.
Am I making sense?
Are you seeing the hypocrisy of the socialistic dystopia that has been laid out at our feet?
When we unabashedly do not question phrases like “Democracy Dies in Darkness”, assuming that they are pro-freedom, we fall victim to groupthink and hivemind collectivism, aka pure democracy. The fact of the matter is this: “democracy” thrives under the guise that truth is dictated by majority vote*.
We are transformed into marketable assets before being turned into useful idiots who need to constantly virtue signal in order to satiate the need for likes, shares and public approval. Modernity, free, reasonable, independent thought is smothered by the socialistic and Marxist ideologies of mob justice.
I am an advocate for freedom, not this dystopian hellhole that is being rammed down our throats.
*Argumentum ad populum or the fallacy of appealing to popular opinion