"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

Man in the Arena —

Kawika Miles logo on Damn It I Love America
Scarcity Mindset
Season Three Kawika Miles Season Three Kawika Miles

Scarcity Mindset

Bureaucratic and corporate systems demand dependency, and the quickest way to create dependency is through scarcity. They create a fixed mindset that dictates a variety of rules stating that progression and success cannot be obtained outside of their dystopian parameters.

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Modern-Day Slavery
Season Two Kawika Miles Season Two Kawika Miles

Modern-Day Slavery

Slavery still exists. The truth about modern-day slavery is hidden under the dystopian economics of human trafficking and the supply and demand our society creates, using people as products.

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The American Dystopia
Season Two Kawika Miles Season Two Kawika Miles

The American Dystopia

American culture is rife with sexuality and distractions. We live in a Huxleyan dystopia that is using sexuality, gender, and pleasure to distract us from the cultural divide and national destabilization efforts being implemented from activists and politicians.

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The Fastest Growing Religion
Season Two Kawika Miles Season Two Kawika Miles

The Fastest Growing Religion

The main purpose and duty of any religion is to attend to the needs of the souls of all people, and with the declining trend of religion in America, this is leaving room for the State’s own dystopian faith and worship.

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Education & Propaganda
Season Two Kawika Miles Season Two Kawika Miles

Education & Propaganda

If we want our children to not be influenced by the State and are worried about dystopian cultural influences warping their minds, then there really is no other choice but to homeschool.

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Dystopian Media
Season Two Kawika Miles Season Two Kawika Miles

Dystopian Media

As terrifying as a “Disinformation Governance Board” is, an Orwellian Totalitarian State is the least of our worries. It is Huxleyan desensitization and the pleasure-seeking culture that is creating the state of the State we are seeing through social media.

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Socialistic Dystopia
Season Two Kawika Miles Season Two Kawika Miles

Socialistic Dystopia

Collectivist ideology is creating an American Dystopia before our very eyes. Edward Bernays would be proud! There is a major difference between Pure Democracy and Modernity—it’s free thought.

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Brave New World Vs. 1984
Season Two Kawika Miles Season Two Kawika Miles

Brave New World Vs. 1984

Dystopias are no longer a fiction and if you were to ask Orwell or Huxley, they would agree. Edward Bernays, the father of modern propaganda, pioneered the shaping of public perception and helped blend this reality and dystopian fiction.

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Okay Groomer
Season Two Kawika Miles Season Two Kawika Miles

Okay Groomer

As an ideology and political practice, Marxism seeks to destroy the “old culture” by making the younger generation more malleable and “groomable” for sex trafficking, sex work, sexual deviance and political activism. It’s straight out of a Dystopian novel. All this is done by shaking the foundations of their identity—by taking away their youthful innocence.

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The Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Season Two Kawika Miles Season Two Kawika Miles

The Right to Keep and Bear Arms

DC V. Heller (2008) is the most recent exploration of what the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms really means for the everyday American citizen. Socialistic dystopias seek to disarm citizens for tyrannical control.

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The Dunning-Kruger Effect
Season Two Kawika Miles Season Two Kawika Miles

The Dunning-Kruger Effect

The Dunning-Kruger Effect is a correlation between confidence and competence that only exacerbates the copy and paste insta-share ADHD culture. Dystopian author Aldous Huxley warned of this very thing in his own fiction.

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Your Porn Addiction
Season One Kawika Miles Season One Kawika Miles

Your Porn Addiction

There is a demand for sexual perversions, and the market is meeting it. You can accept it or not, but there is a very real correlation between porn addiction and the human trafficking of woman and children. Our pleasures are distracting us and destroying society, a fear of the classic Dystopian author Aldous Huxley.

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Why Your Emotions Aren’t Serving You
Season One Kawika Miles Season One Kawika Miles

Why Your Emotions Aren’t Serving You

Pathos, Logos, and Ethos are emotional, logical, and moral/ethical modes of persuasion used in argument and debate, all of which are effective and useful ways in which ideas are armed and defended. We lean on emotions far too often and are no better than an unbridled child.

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Season One Kawika Miles Season One Kawika Miles


Shadow banning, cancelling, or threatening violence to silence an idea is Marxist, dystopian, Orwellian behavior that American society and culture indulges far too much in. If there is one thing 2020’s Summer of Love taught us is that there are approved and unapproved ways of thinking.

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Are Americans Burning Ideas?
Season One Kawika Miles Season One Kawika Miles

Are Americans Burning Ideas?

The Freedom of Speech is a core tenet used to criticize authority, but when authority suppresses speech, how else do new ideas thrive? When Big Tech becomes an Agent of the Authoritarian State, good ideas burn in their dystopian world.

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“Fact Checkers”
Season One Kawika Miles Season One Kawika Miles

“Fact Checkers”

A fact-checker is a title that gives an arbitrary sense of authority that makes anyone who argues against it sound like a fool because they’re “arguing against facts”, making their job one of the most dystopian, double-speak titles in modern existence.

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Freedom of Religion
Season One Kawika Miles Season One Kawika Miles

Freedom of Religion

The Freedom of Religion is a basic American principle meant for all of humanity. We all have faith in something and political prostitutes understand this which is how they make useful idiots out of us all.

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What is Utopia?
Season One Kawika Miles Season One Kawika Miles

What is Utopia?

The coined word “Utopia” is derived from the Greek ou (“not”) and topos (“place”), and by putting those roots together Utopia literally means “No place”. It is a fiction we all fall victim to out of sheer emotion and idealistic fantasies, and one that has created real life Dystopias.

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The Overton Window
Season One Kawika Miles Season One Kawika Miles

The Overton Window

Saul Alinsky was only the beginning to the culture war we are seeing today within American Politics. Understanding the Overton Window is the next step to seeing behind the curtain of radicals within America.

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